Product description
Pre-stretched stretch film is a kind of ultra-thin mechanical stretch film with super tensile force. The minimum thickness can reach 10μm, but it has the same strength and more excellent properties as conventional stretch film.
Packing the same goods, using less, but can achieve the stability and protection of ordinary stretch film.
In addition to the cost reduction caused by weight reduction, the amount of waste film produced after unpacking the goods is also reduced, and the stretched film can be recycled by 100% through standard industrial recycling equipment.
Pre-stretched stretched film is cheap, good-quality, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. The actual packaging area of ultra-thin stretched film is about three times that of traditional stretched film on the market.
The actual packaging area of ultra-thin stretched film is about three times that of traditional stretched film on the market.
The pre-stretching mechanism of the machine is used to pre-tension the film to a certain ratio, and then the goods are wound by the chassis rotation.
The tensile force of the pre-stretched stretched film is greater than that of the stretch stretched film.
Machine operation packaging, single roll weight 10 to 18 kg, can be customized according to customer single roll weight requirements.
A new generation of green environmentally friendly stretch film products with a thickness of 0.007mm (7μm), but can achieve the stability and protection performance of traditional film packaging of 18 ~ 20μm.