Pof shrink film is also our commonly used heat shrink film. No matter the packaging is regular, irregular products can use pof shrink film, how to judge the quality of the pof shrink film we use? Pof shrink film manufacturers teach you two methods.

A roll of shrink film details
Test POF shrink film with good transparency

1. Shrinkage rate. When looking at the quality of pof shrink film, first look at the shrinkage rate of the shrink film. The shrink film is mainly longitudinal and transverse, and the shrinkage rate of the shrink film is equal to the longitudinal shrinkage and lateral shrinkage.
2. Shrink temperature. Pof shrink film manufacturers remind you that the shrink film starts to shrink when it reaches a certain temperature, but when the temperature rises to a certain height, it will stop shrinking. From this point, you can see the quality of the shrink film.