When heat is applied to shrink wrap, it creates a very tight seal. This plastic seal then fully protects the shrink wrapped contents. Once sealed, the items are no longer vulnerable to the damage that can be caused by dust, dirt or moisture. Some types of shrink wrap even offer UV protection, to keep your packages safe from the sun’s harmful rays.

Shrink wrap is made from one of three durable plastics: PVC, polyolefin or polyethylene. PVC is a traditional choice for wrapping packing for CDs, software boxes and office supplies. Polyolefin can be used to wrap food products and is also used for more premium retail applications. Polyethylene films can be extremely thick and sturdy for industrial applications.

Since shrink wrap both seals and holds its shape once applied, any tampering will be noticeable immediately. For this reason, many pharmaceutical companies now shrink wrap their products, as well as food manufacturers. Some types of shrink wraps used by banks and government agencies change color when the plastic has been stretched, to show that the sealed items have been touched.

Branding Opportunities
Shrink wrap can be designed with colors, words, pictures and logos that promote your products. From your production floor until it reaches the end user, your product isn’t just wrapped in plastic—it’s wrapped in your brand. This is a marketing tool that can increase brand awareness, and make you more visible to your customers.

Many foods that need to be preserved, either for transport or to extend shelf life, are preserved in shrink wrap. Food-grade polyolefin shrink wrap is a regular choice for food production companies.

Shrink wrap is one of the few packaging materials that’s useful for any size project. Small electrical wires are often shrink wrapped to prevent exposure to moisture. Game pieces, candies and hardware can all be bunched and shrink wrapped. On the other end of the spectrum, shrink wrap kits are sold to weatherize boats and greenhouses. Freight on trailers and trains can be shrink wrapped for easier transport. Even entire buildings have been shrink wrapped to prevent chemical leaks or exposure from hazardous materials.